How to apply Wi-Fi certification for Wi-Fi products

Nowadays, the Wi-Fi product is a popular device in our life, we use many electronic products, the product needs Wi-Fi to connect the Internet for function using. And many Wi-Fi devices have the Wi-Fi logo on the package. In order to use the Wi-Fi logo, the manufacturers must get the Wi-Fi certificated from Wi-Fi Alliance.


Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ is an internationally-recognized seal of approval for products indicating that they have met industry-agreed standards for interoperability, security, and a range of application-specific protocols. . When a product successfully passes testing, the manufacturer or vendor is granted the right to use the Wi-Fi CERTIFIED logo. Certification is available for a wide range of consumer, enterprise, and operator-specific products, including smartphones, appliances, computers and peripherals, networking infrastructure, and consumer electronics. A company must be a member of Wi-Fi Alliance® and achieve certification to use the Wi-Fi CERTIFIED logo and Wi-Fi CERTIFIED certification marks.

How to apply Wi-Fi certificate?

1. The company must be a member of Wi-Fi Alliance®, the member cost is about $5000

2. Sending the company’s Wi-Fi products to the Wi-Fi Alliance lab for testing, it will take approximately 4 weeks for the Wi-Fi product to pass the testing

3. After achieving the certification, the company could use the Wi-Fi certificate logo and the certification Marks.

Learn more about Wi-Fi module products here:

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