Feasycom HC-05 Bluetooth module arduino board include FSC-DB004-BT826E and FSC-DB007-BT826E, HC-05 FSC-DB004-BT826E is a 6 pins serial development board, FSC-DB007-BT826E is a bigger development board that you can connect with Arduino board directly (plug and play), no additional wiring is needed, both two Arduino Bluetooth development boards can be programmed via AT commands by UART interface.
HC05 development boards:
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When the modules connected with Arduino board, user can configure the modules via UART interface, HC-05(FSC-BT826E) Bluetooth module supports master mode and slave mode, baud rate supports up to 921600bps, FSC-BT826E is PIN to PIN with HC-05, it’s the upgrade version of HC-05, because FSC-BT826E not only supports Classic Bluetooth, also supports BLE Bluetooth.

If you need to test the HC-05 Bluetooth module by Arduino board, don’t hesitate contact us to buy FSC-DB004-BT826E and FSC-DB007-BT826E development board.