Bluetooth beacon for parking lot indoor positioning

Parking lot is an essential facility in Business centers, large supermarkets, large hospitals, industrial parks, exhibition centers, etc. How to quickly find empty parking spot and how to quickly and accurately find the location of their cars has become a headache for most car owners.
On the one hand, many large Business centers have scarce parking spots, causing car owners to search for parking spots throughout the parking lot. On the other hand, due to the large size of parking lots, similar environments and markers, and difficult-to-discern directions, car owners easily become disoriented in the parking lot. In large buildings, it is difficult to use outdoor GPS to locate destinations. Therefore, parking guidance and reverse car searching are basic requirements for building intelligent parking lots.
Therefore, we can deploy Bluetooth beacons in the parking lot to achieve precise navigation for indoor positioning.

How to realize the indoor positioning and precise navigation of Bluetooth beacon?

Using the combination of parking spot monitoring and Bluetooth technology, deploy Bluetooth beacon in the parking lot, and set up a Bluetooth signal receivers at the top of the parking lot to continuously receive the Bluetooth signal sent by the Bluetooth beacon of each parking space.
When a car parks in a spot, the signal is blocked, and by analyzing the changes in Bluetooth signal RSSI strength using signal processing algorithms, parking spot occupancy can be recognized, achieving parking spot monitoring. Compared to traditional parking monitoring methods such as ultrasound detection, infrared detection, and video surveillance, Bluetooth beacon indoor positioning solutions are not affected by external environmental factors such as light, do not require high-performance computational processing power, easy to install, have lower costs, lower power consumption, longer usage time, and have higher accuracy in judgment, making them suitable for more parking lots.

Usually, we can determine the relative position between a Bluetooth host and a beacon through RSSI:

1.Deploy Bluetooth beacons in the positioning area (at least 3 Bluetooth beacons are required according to the triangulation positioning algorithm). The Bluetooth beacons broadcast a data packet to the surroundings at regular intervals.
2.When a terminal device (smartphone, tablet, etc.) enters the signal coverage of a beacon, it scans the received Bluetooth beacon's broadcast data package (MAC address and signal strength RSSI value).
3.When the terminal device downloads the positioning algorithm and map to the phone, and interacts with the backend map engine database, the terminal device's current location can be marked on the map.

Bluetooth beacon deployment principles:

1) The height of the Bluetooth Beacon from the ground: between 2.5~3m

2) Bluetooth Beacon horizontal spacing: 4-8 m

* One-dimensional positioning scenario: It is suitable for aisles with high isolation. In theory, it only needs to deploy a row of Beacons with a spacing of 4-8m in sequence.

* Open area positioning scenario: Bluetooth Beacon is evenly deployed in a triangle, requiring 3 or more Bluetooth Beacons. The distance between them is 4-8m.

3) Different deployment scenarios

Bluetooth beacons are also widely used in retail, hotels, scenic spots, airports, medical equipment, campus management, and other application scenarios. If you are looking for a Beacon solution for your application, please free to contact Feasycom team.

Bluetooth beacon for parking lot indoor positioning

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