Bluetooth asset tracking tags In Smart Building

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For more than two decades, Bluetooth technology has continued to help open up new markets, develop innovation and redefine wireless connectivity. With the popularization of the Internet of Things (IoT) concept, Bluetooth technology has quickly become the basis of emerging IoT solutions.

According to the forecast of "Bluetooth Market Update 2020", by 2024, the total annual shipment of Bluetooth devices will exceed 6 billion. The market's demand for large-scale interconnected lighting networks and precise indoor location services continues to increase, making Bluetooth wireless connectivity a mainstay of intelligent building technology. As the number of Bluetooth mesh product certifications doubles every six months, more and more Bluetooth Beacon products will be able to meet various use cases in the smart building market. The "2020 Bluetooth Market Update" report shows:

Bluetooth technology provides a variety of new location services for smart buildings, helping to improve operational efficiency and household experience. Analysts predict that by 2024, Bluetooth smart building location service devices will increase 6 times.

The connected lighting market shows no signs of slowing down. It is estimated that by 2028, the market's demand for large-scale wireless lighting solutions will continue to grow, resulting in 1.8 billion Bluetooth connected lighting devices.

By 2020, 66 million Bluetooth asset tracking tags will be delivered to use. With these tags, factory facilities can isolate dangerous operating environments and important assets to ensure that equipment and personnel in daily operations are not harmed.

Currently, Feasycom has asset tracking tags solution, the Bluetooth 5.0 Beacon tag FSC-BP103B device. Many customers using this tag for their asset tracking solution now.

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