
RFID 在時尚零售業的應用在零售業中,使用全新技術已變得非常普遍。如今,RFID技術在時尚零售店的應用已成為極為流行的趨勢。 ZARA和優衣庫等一些時尚零售商已經應用RFID技術來追蹤他們的庫存,使庫存盤點更快、更有效率。降低了成本,大大提高了銷售量。 ZARA商店中部署的RFID技術可以透過無線電訊號單獨識別每件服裝產品。該晶片[…]

RFID如何應用於時裝零售? 閱讀更多»


Nowadays, the information collection systems commonly used in the express logistics industry mostly rely on barcode technology. With the advantage of barcoded paper labels on express parcels, logistics personnel can identify, sort, store and complete the entire delivery process. However, the limitations of barcode technology, such as the need for visual assistance, infeasibility of scanning

RFID技術在物流快遞行業的應用 閱讀更多»
