Wat binne de ferskillen tusken RN4020, RN4871 en FSC-BT630?

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FSC-BT630 VS RN4871, RN4020

BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) technology hat yn 'e lêste jierren altyd op' e kop west yn 'e Bluetooth-yndustry. BLE-technology makket in protte gjin Bluetooth-apparaten mooglik mei Bluetooth-funksjes.

In protte oplossingsleverandorer brûke RN4020, RN4871-modules produsearre troch Microchip, of BT630 module produsearre troch Feasycom. Wat binne de ferskillen tusken dizze BLE-modules?

Sa't jo sjen kinne, is RN4020 in BLE 4.1-module, it stipet 10 GPIO-ports. Wylst RN4871 is in BLE 5.0 module, it hat mar 4 GPIO havens.

Yn ferliking mei RN4020 of RN4871 hat FSC-BT630 noch bettere prestaasjes. FSC-BT630 is in BLE 5.0 module, stipet 13 GPIO havens, syn temperatuer berik is ek hiel breed fan -40C to 85C. Guess wat, de priis fan dizze module is noch leger as RN4020 of RN4871!

FSC-BT630 oannimt Noardske nRF52832-chip, oant 50 meter dekking berik!

Wolle jo mear witte oer dizze module? 

Wolle jo mear witte oer Feasycom's Bluetooth-modules? KLIK HJIR asjebleaft.

Op syk nei in Bluetooth-oplossing? KLIK HJIR asjebleaft.

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